Strategic Group
To those appalled or surprised by the Times Square Applebees'
$375 New Year's Eve party, allow us to offer an alternative for a
modest price differential.
For $40,000 The Dream Hotel
Downtown is offering a king's table for you and 30 or so of your
friends. The table comes with 20 bottles of Circo vodka, 20 bottles of
2004 Moet Chandon Imperial, and a new friend for the night, Macklemore.
See, i t's not hard to find
people doing some seriously ostentatious partying in New York City on
New Year's Eve. What's harder is finding out who — or which spots — are
taking the affair more seriously than everyone else. That means setting
a solid base — a $40,000 base. After that, it can only get bigger.
The Dream Downtown's package is called, "
Living the Dream,"
and it was Strategic Group's Jonathan Schwartz, who made it into a
reality after the Dream managed to pin down Macklemore as its New Year's
Eve host earlier this month.
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